Data Structure (Fall-2023)

Students will be learned the basic concepts of data structure.
Total Duration:
Review : 0


Course Outlines:

Introduction: data structures, data structure operations, mathematical notations and functions, String Processing: basic terminology, strong strings, character data types, string operations, word processing; Linear Data Structures: arrays, records, pointers, linked lists, stacks, recursions, queues and their applications; Nonlinear Data Structures: trees, graphs and their applications; Sorting, Searching and Hashing. [Prerequisite: CIS 122].

Course Type: Theory

Course Summary:

We are living in a world where the use and organization of vast amounts of data of several domains is a vital concern. Data structure provides us several ways of storing and managing data in the computer so that it can be used more efficiently, and it is also the basic building block of all computer algorithms. This course will cover basic concepts of all the common data structures and hands-on practices using sufficient tools over those data structures for building concrete knowledge.

Course Objectives:

1. To learn different types, classifications and operations of data structure.

2. To learn about different linear (array, stack, queue, linked list) and non-linear (tree, graph) data structure as well as sorting, searching techniques.

3. To implementation in real life applications.

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO1-Identify data structure operations, notations and functions.

CLO2-Analyze several string processing techniques.

CLO3-Analyze the linear data structures: arrays, pointers, linked lists, stacks, queues and recursions.

CLO4-Analyze the linear data structures: trees and graphs.

CLO5-Describe several Searching and Sorting techniques.

CLO6-Construct efficient programs using right data structures.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Grades will be calculated as per the university grading structure and individual student will be evaluated based on the following criteria with respective weights.

Textbook and Reference Books:


Data Structures By Seymour Lipschutz (Schaum's Outlines)

Reference Books

1. Data Structure using C by Reema Thareja

2. Hands on practices on Geeksforgeeks:

3. Hands on practices on Tutorialspoint:

4. Hands on practices on W3schools:

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Lec 1_Introduction to Data Structure |
Lec_01 |
Lec_02 |
Split and Merge of Array |
Lec 3_Searching (Linear Search) |
Lec 4_Searching (Binary Search) |
Lecture 05 (Stack) |
Lecture 06 (Queue) |
Lecture-Sorting |
Structure and Pointer |
Lecture_Linked List |
Graph (Introduction) |
Graph (MST) |
Lecture-Tree |
Lecture Tree (BST) |
Lecture Tree (My Note) |