Personal Communications

10 XP

Expectations: Read the instructions and understand the directives for implementation. Estimated Reading Time: 3 M inutes.

Personal Communications

Phone Calls

1. The Making and receiving of personal phone calls must be limited to a maximum of five minutes in duration unless otherwise approved by your manager. Or 

2. It is acknowledged that personal communication is inevitable and sometimes necessary. It is expected this will be kept to appropriate or reasonable levels.  


1. Email has legal status as a document and is accepted as evidence in a court of law. Even when it is used for private purposes, DIU can be held responsible for the contents of email messages, including any attachments. Access to emails can be demanded as part of legal action in some circumstances. 


2. It is, therefore, important that email is used within the following guidelines: 


  1. a. Email should mainly be used for formal business correspondence, and care should be taken to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information. Formal memos, documents, and letters for which signatures are important should be issued on company letterhead regardless of whether a physical or electronic delivery method is used. 

  1. b. If electronic messages need to be preserved, they should be printed out and filed. 

  1. Limited private use of email is permitted, provided that such does not interfere with or distract an employee from his/her work. However, management has the right to access incoming and outgoing email messages to determine whether an employee’s usage or involvement in private correspondence is excessive or inappropriate.  

  1. c. Non-essential email, including personal messages, should be deleted regularly from the ‘sent items,’ ‘inbox’ and ‘deleted items’ folders to avoid congestion.  

  1. All emails sent should include the approved company disclaimer. 


3. To protect DIU from the potential effects of the misuse and abuse of email, the following instructions are to be observed by all users:

  1. a. No material is to be sent as a defamatory email, in breach of copyright or business confidentiality, or prejudicial to the good standing of DIU in the community or to its relationship with employees, customers, suppliers, and any other person or business with whom it has a relationship. 

  1. b. Email is not to contain material that amounts to gossip about colleagues or that could be offensive, demeaning, persistently irritating, threatening, and discriminatory, involves the harassment of others, or concerns personal relationships. 

  1. c. The email records of other persons are not to be accessed except by management (or persons authorized by management) engaged in ensuring compliance with this policy, or by the authorized employees who have been requested to attend to a fault, upgrade, or similar situation. Access in each case will be limited to the minimum required to complete the task. 

  1. d. When using email, a person must not pretend to be another person or use another person’s computer without permission.  

  1. e. Excessive private use, including mass mailing, e.g., “reply to all” etc. that is not part of the person’s duties, is not permitted.

4. Failure to comply with these instructions is a disciplinary offense and will be subject to appropriate investigation. In serious cases, the penalty for an offense, or repetition of an offense, may include dismissal. The employee needs to be continually aware that some forms of email conduct may also be open to criminal prosecution.


1. The Internet is a facility provided by DIU for educational use. 

Access is authorized by managers based on academic/administrative needs. Limited private use is permitted provided the private use does not interfere with or distract a person from work. Management has the right to access the system to determine whether private use is excessive or inappropriate. 

2. The following activities, using DIU’s Internet access are not permitted: 

  1. a. Attending to personal activities of a business nature. 

  1. b. The viewing, other than by accident, sites of incoming email portraying obscene, violent, defamatory, and unlawful material and material that could cause DIU to be in breach of equal opportunity or anti-discrimination legislation, verbally, in writing, or pictorially. 

  1. c. Downloading or printing material as described above.  

  1. d. Showing to others, or allowing to be seen by others, the items as described above. 

  1. e. Repeated or prolonged use that is not directly relevant to the user’s work. 

  1. f. Infecting computers with viruses by failing to follow company IT procedures. 

  1. g. Downloading software from the Internet or from unauthorized disks and CD ROMs onto the internal network.

3. Failure to comply with these instructions is a disciplinary offense and will be subject to appropriate investigation. In serious cases, the penalty for an offense, or repetition of an offense, may include dismissal. Employees need to be continually aware that some forms of Internet conduct may also be open to criminal prosecution.

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1. The Making and receiving of personal phone calls must be limited to -
3. The Internet is a facility provided by DIU for -
4. “Email is not to contain material that amounts to gossip about colleagues or that could be offensive, demeaning, persistently irritating, threatening, and discriminatory, involves the harassment of others, or concerns personal relationships” - True or False?
5. Formal memos, documents, and letters for which signatures are important should be issued on -